Saturday, July 16, 2011

Pitchforks and Torches Rally: August 15th GA State Capitol Bldg.



Permit for Rally has been applied for. Awaiting confirmation of receipt.

The call is going out for volunteers to attend. The Bill/Act is being modified at present and will be in the hands of the Legislators before the Rally on August (8/15) 15th at GA State Capitol Bldg. in Atanta, GA. where all will be encouraged to excercise there right to open carry. This is a Pitchforks and Torches Rally. More specifics to follow.


We must make them "feel it" before they will adequately respond and I, for one, will not allow any, other that "Natural Born Citizens" as defined by the 1875 SCOTUS decision in Minor v Happersett as being "born on the soil to citizen parents", on the GA ballot for POTUS.

The only thing left is for YOU to show up and be a part of making history.


Here's a good site for all to view and/or be a part of while we build up to this event.


The two videos below are proof positive that nothing short of Pitchforks and Torches will return this Nation to our God Given Constitutional Republic. The only question that remains is

Answer: August 15
Where: Atlanta GA State Capitol Bldg
Time: All day or until..,
Purpose: Force enactment of the newly revised Presidential Eligibility Assurance Act (formerly known as H.B. 401)

Lay down your pens, step away from your keyboards and join those who want their country back!

Please visit and support The Birther Summit will take place in Washington DC on March 28-30, 2012.

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